Source: Peter Himsel
: Dany Lang
Dr. Dany Lang is associate professor at the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord.
He is the coordinator of, amongst others, the Masters’ degrees “Economic policies in the age of globalization 2” and of option B of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree “Economic policies for the global transition”.
He is a former vice-president of the French Association for Political Economy (FAPE) and an active member of the Appalled economists movement since its beginning. He is an active proponent of the job guarantee, both at the academic level and in the medias.
Dany Lang’s research topics revolve around the concept of genuine hysteresis. He has led research on income distribution, unemployment, the role of private debt and financial instability, and the importance of historical time.
In 2022, he has been awarded the William Kapp prize for best published research paper by the European association for evolutionary political economy (EAEPE).